July 18 re-launch on Matt.org site

Attention, Readers! Re-think Immigration is moving to its new home tomorrow, Wednesday, July 18. Click here to go to the new website. It is functionally identical to this one except that all past comments will stay archived at this website. Comments to new posts should be posted at the new site and will require a quick, painless sign-up process so that everyone has their own unique username.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Daily features: July 13, 2007

  • Daily video

The Department of Homeland Security is withholding border security money from Arizona. Aired on CNN, July 12, 2007.
  • Friday blog round-up
    • Michael Linton of the FirstThings blog talks about his daughter's experience with undocumented workers at a restaurant where she waitressed.
    • The ImmigrationProf blog provides links to contacting your congressmembers if you are interested in having them support or rally against the DREAM Act. For those of you not in the know:
      • "It would provide a 6-year path to permanent residence and eventual citizenship for individuals brought to the U.S. years ago as undocumented children if they graduate from high school and continue on to college or military service."
  • Cartoon of the day
By Daryl Cagle, MSNBC.com.


Anonymous said...

Ohh I challenge any of you anti's to provide a reason why the DREAM Act should not pass in Congress!

Anonymous said...

Let the tales of pathos begin....

Anonymous said...

Okay here's my reasons:

1.) It's unfair to force native-born and legal immigrant taxpayers to pay for illegal aliens' "free" college tuition after we've already been forced to pay for 12 years of "free" public school education for them.

2.) They take college spots away from native-born students and legal immigrants whose parents have paid taxes for years to support the university system.

3.) Most of them will get get "diversity" perks that let them step in front of the native-born children of white Americans and white legal immigrants. White Americans lose three times: we pay the taxes for the "free" education of illegals; we lose spots for our children at universities and colleges that we pay taxes to support; and, we lose again, because the illegals get "affirmative action" and minority perks ahead of our own children, adding insult to the injury of stealing 16 years' worth of education tax dollars from our pockets.

Enough of this, and the native-born and legal immigrant people of this country are going to rise up and start a tax revolt. We did that once before -- it worked out pretty damn good. It's already being talked about on the internet. They can't put 10 or 20 million of us in jail for not paying our taxes.

If the US government doesn't protect my citizenship rights -- for which I have paid them ample money for the past 30 years -- then I do not owe them one damn dime in taxes. They can get the 35K per year in state and federal income taxes that my husband and I pay every year from the illegals they love so much. Oh, wait, the illegals can't afford to pay 35K a year in taxes? Oh well, the "government" should have thought of that before they decided that illegals were more important than native-born law-abiding, taxpaying citizens who have paid taxes to our "government" for 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants or illegal aliens, NOT "undocumented workers." Stop the dishonesty please!