July 18 re-launch on Matt.org site

Attention, Readers! Re-think Immigration is moving to its new home tomorrow, Wednesday, July 18. Click here to go to the new website. It is functionally identical to this one except that all past comments will stay archived at this website. Comments to new posts should be posted at the new site and will require a quick, painless sign-up process so that everyone has their own unique username.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Opinionated soundbites: The border fence

  • Two New Jersey mayors participating in an immigration discussion at Princeton University yesterday agreed that the U.S.-Mexico border fence is "a waste of taxpayer money".
  • Meanwhile, an eloquent reader of a central Illinois newspaper wrote an editor's letter yesterday in which he said that securing the border is necessary before considering immigration reform.
  • A small California newspaper's editorial yesterday read: "No matter how much money is thrown at securing the fence on the border between the U.S. and Mexico (...) illegal immigration is as American as baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet."
  • And yet another newspaper reader, this time one of the Washington Post, today writes: "The idea of doing border enforcement first and then addressing the other matters is a formula for making certain the other matters are never addressed, because sufficient political trade-offs would no longer be available."


Anonymous said...

It is shameful that the WaPo endorses the idea of using enforcement -- which Americans are legally entitled to demand, because we pay for it through our tax dollars -- as blackmail in exchange for amnesty for lawbreakers.

Daniela said...


The WaPo link is to a letter to the editor written by a reader. The opinions are not that of the WaPo.

Anonymous said...

Thank you I have noted that. However, this is also the WaPo's position, and that is the reason why the letter was chosen.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Maryst but letters to the editor do not necessarily = editorial

Anonymous said...

I agree anonymous but I know full well the open borders stance of the WaPo and they are in full agreement with this letter writer.