As predicted in yesterday's posts, Washington news has readily moved on from immigration reform to the U.S. presidential campaigns. CBS News brings both topics together in a piece that asks if the GOP's candidates risk losing the key Hispanic vote.
The article highlights McCain as one of the few Republicans seeking the nomination who supported S.1639 and goes on to say:
Should McCain end up winning the nomination however, both he and his party may be grateful for his refusal to abandon his support for the bill.While the CBS article doesn't make this conclusion, it seems to us that after a great majority of the GOP blocked S.1639 in the Senate yesterday, the Hispanic cohort is more likely to keep on moving to the Dems' side. And for now, according to the USA Today/Gallup poll, they prefer Hillary.
A new USA Today/Gallup poll demonstrates why. While the Republican Party has made strong inroads among Hispanic voters in recent years, the poll indicates a dramatic shift toward Democrats in the midst of the sometimes-emotional immigration debate. The poll found that 59 percent of Hispanics polled either identify themselves as or lean toward supporting Democrats, compared with just 20 percent who identified with the GOP. For a party which received about 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2004, that's quite a change.
If "Hispanics" will only vote for American politicians who put the interests of foreign-born members of "La Raza" ahead of the interests of native-born taxpaying American citizens, that doesn't say much for "American" Hispanics does it?
Know this: the American people have noted your willingness to sell your fellow citizens down the river in order to grab all sorts of "goodies" for lawbreaking foreigners just because they are members of your "race." This is treason and we don't take it nor your bullying and threats lightly. Grow up and join the United States people as loyal citizens, and forget all this obsession about your "race."
The Republicans cannot lose something is does not have. Other than Cuban-Americans, Hispanics vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The Republicans might have considered supporting a broader form of immigration reform if Hispanic immigrants were not all automatic future Democratic voters.
People like Lionel Sosa the sponsor of Matt supported Bush. But recently Sosa told a newspaper that he would support the Democrats because of the Republican hostility to amnesty for illegals. "Blood is thicker than water" is how Sosa put it. In other words, a foriegn national who shares Mr. Sosa's "blood" is more important to him than a fellow American citizen who doesn't share Mr. Sosa's "blood." How these people get away with making these treasonous and racist statements, I wlll never know.
Um, I'll ignore Maryst's comment because it seems totally out of left-field and really of no point I can yet surmise...
To SuperDestroyer, though:
If the GOP got 40% of the Hispanic cohort's vote in 2004, then they definitely have something to lose. Furthermore, they could have had something to gain by upping that percentage.
My point is that "Hispanics" like Lionel Sosa supported Republicans quite well when the Republicans were pro-amnesty for illegals. Now they have switched to the Democrats because they think the Democrats will provide the goods more easily than the Republicans. In no case is there any thought for Americans or our country -- the main motivation is increasing political power for The Race by importing millions more of their ethnic group into the US and giving them the right to vote. If that's the main motivation for voting, then the Hispanic vote is a huge threat to other Americans and to our country itself.
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